Tell us about yourself:
My name is Kerdisha St.Louis hailing from the nature isle of the Caribbean, Dominica.I am 21 years old and I am an Information Assistant for the Government of Dominica (my aspiration someday is to be a Reporter).

What made you go natural?  How long have you been natural?
I’ve been natural for about three years now. Going natural was something I decided to do in college. I was all about discovering myself and loving myself for who I am so embracing my natural hair felt right at that time.
I chose to transition. I wanted to grow out my natural hair because I was not sure how I would look with really short natural hair. Hence a lot of protective styling braids being my favorite.

Did you transition? If so, for how long?  
When I started my transition it was relatively easy. I wore my hair in protective styles so it was low maintenance and it gave me the opportunity to find out what worked with my hair or not which made eventually dealing with my natural hair a whole lot easier.

What is your Healthy Hair routine?
My hair regimen is pretty simple. Every two weeks or so I detangle my hair with a cheap shampoo (Vo5) and water  put it in large loose two strand twists and cleanse my scalp. I do this with diluted sulfate free shampoo . Then I will rinse everything out and do a deep condition for an hour with either a protien or moisturizing deep conditioner,depending on what I think my hair needs.

After a brief session in an old tee-shirt to absorb most of the water ill moisturize with  Giovanni Direct Leave in conditioner, add a light oil such as sweet almond oil or Jaydee’s Naturals Whipped Shea Butter from my friend Jodie.
After this I let my hair dry in braids to stretch it out and proceed to style for the week after it has dried to about 95%.

I will moisturize during the week using the lco method with a mix of aloevera juice and spring water, Giovanni Direct,  and seal with either an oil or whipped shea butter.

My favorite products are the Giovanni Direct leave in and Shea butter. They go awesome together in my hair.
My go-to hairstyle is definitely a high puff or a bun.

Do you have a Healthy Body routine?  If so, what is it?
I dont have a healthy body routine per say but i do try to eat as healthy as I can, drink lots of water and stay active

What advice/tips do you have for naturals?
My advice for naturals is to take your time to discover what goes with YOUR hair and have patience.

Where can we find you?
I do have a blog its where i write about hair,makeup,DIY's and more.

Pinerest: @thekschronicles

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